How To Prevent Snoring

By Gavin | November 12, 2022

Snoring is divided into physiological and pathological. If it is physiological, it can be prevented, and if it is pathological, it must be treated in time.


  1. Obesity can easily cause snoring because obese people are prone to narrowing the throat cavity, so patients should usually exercise properly, such as jogging, swimming, yoga, etc., which can increase fat consumption but also avoid obesity.

  2. If you are a long-term drinker, you can snore during sleep, so try to avoid drinking alcohol 3 to 5 hours before bedtime.

  3. Long-term smoking is likely to cause some throat inflammation but is also prone to increase upper airway narrowing, thus causing snoring, so usually, try to smoke less.

  4. Sleep with the head pillow high. Significantly the obese try to avoid lying down. You can choose the side-lying position.

  5. If you often stay up late and work too hard during the day, you will likely snore at night. Try to avoid overworking, work, and rest on time, improve the quality of sleep, and you can prevent snoring.